Maine State Breastfeeding Coalition Webinar: Understanding, Identifying, and Healing Traumatic Experiences in Birth and Breastfeeding - A Compassionate Approach
Posted on January 30, 2025
Understanding, Identifying and Healing Traumatic Experiences in Birth and Breastfeeding - A Compassionate Approach for Lactation Professionals
When: Thursday, February 6th | 12:00-1:00PM
Speaker: Farrah A. Sheehan, MSN, RN, IBCLC, CCBE (BFW)
In this workshop participants will learn about current research on birth and perinatal trauma. We will discuss the impact this has on lactation and the infant feeding experience and together, learn and share compassionate and solution focused tools and strategies for prevention and healing.
1. Participants will state one impact of traumatic birth and infant feeding experiences on birthing people
2. Participants will name one strategy or tool to help prevent or heal traumatic experiences
3. Participants will name one resource for further learning