New Youth Tobacco Cessation Resource for Clinicians
Posted on December 05, 2023
New Youth Tobacoo Cessation Resource for Clinicians The AAP is excited to announce a new clinical decision resource: Youth Tobacco Cessation Progressive Web App (PWA). The PWA is intended to assist physicians and other clinicians in supporting youth tobacco cessation by delivering the Ask-Counsel-Treat (ACT) model in a tool designed for use within a clinical encounter. Designed for multi-system use, the PWA can be utilized on a computer, tablet, or as an offline mobile app. It leads clinicians through the main ACT steps of: ASK: Screen for tobacco use with all youth, during every clinical encounter. COUNSEL: Advise all youth who use tobacco to quit and have them set a quit date within 2 weeks. TREAT: Link youth to behavioral treatment extenders and prescribe pharmacologic support when indicated. The PWA also provides links to product descriptions, the AAP policy statement and clinical report, behavioral support options, and detailed information on pharmacologic support. |