Welcome to the Maine AAP's NEW Advocacy Dashboard!
The Maine AAP recognizes how critical it is to work at the state and national policy level to improve systems of care for children and adolescents.
Our Board, with input from Chapter Members, is charged with developing a legislative agenda and coordinating with other child health advocacy organizations to advance this agenda in the legislature. We keep members appraised of and alerted to important issues using the Chapter’s list-serve and E-Newsletter.
Maine legislators need to hear from YOU. Click on one of the actions or issue pages below to take action and make an impact.

Urge Senator Collins to Oppose RFK's HHS Nomination ▶
Tell Senator Susan Collins we need an HHS Director who will protect the health of Maine kids.

Sign up for Medical Provider of the Day ▶
Spend a day as Medical Provider of the Day at the Maine State House, see the legislative process in action, and meet Maine lawmakers!
Tracked Legislation
LD/LR | Description | MEAAP Position |
Actions |
LD1 | An Act to Increase Storm Preparedness for Maine's Communities, Homes and Infrastructure | Support | |
LD35 | An Act to Strengthen Local Emergency Medical Services by Increasing the MaineCare Reimbursement Rate for Ambulance Services | Support | |
LD42 | An Act Regarding the Bind-over and Detention of Juveniles | Monitor | |
LD46 | An Act to Establish a Grant Program to Increase Postsecondary Educational Opportunities for Students with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder | Support | |
LD63 | An Act to Support Implementation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Projects | Support | |
LD70 | An Act to Fund Free Health Clinics | ||
LD93 | An Act to Reduce Cost and Increase Access to Disease Prevention by Expanding the Universal Childhood Immunization Program to Include Adults | Support | |
LD107 | An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Biomarker Testing | Support | |
LD113 | An Act to Require Food Labels to Disclose Use of Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Vaccine Material in Food Production | Monitor | |
LD130 | An Act to Establish the PFAS Response Program and to Modify the Fund To Address PFAS Contamination | Monitor | |
LD155 | An Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools | Support | |
LD165 | An Act to Allow School Boards to Expel or Suspend Students Regardless of Grade Level | Oppose | |
LD166 | An Act to Prohibit the Sale of Tobacco Products in Pharmacies and Retail Establishments Containing Pharmacies | Support | |
LD168 | An Act to Improve Safety in Public Schools by Requiring Silent Electronic Notification Systems in Classrooms | Support | |
LD170 | Resolve, Establishing a Pilot Program to Reduce Personal Electronic Device Distractions During the School Day | Support | |
LD174 | An Act to Restore Religious Exemptions to Immunization Requirements | Oppose | |
LD189 | An Act to Increase Availability and Affordability of Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Services by Removing the Certificate of Need Requirement | Monitor | |
LD193 | An Act to Fund Students in Maine Schools Who Are Experiencing Homelessness | Support | |
LD202 | An Act to Increase the Number of Children a Family Child Care Provider May Care for Without Having to Be Licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services | Monitor | |
LD208 | An Act to Eliminate the 72-hour Waiting Period on Firearm Purchases | Oppose | |
LD233 | An Act to Prohibit Biological Males from Participating in School Athletic Programs and Activities Designated for Females When State Funding Is Provided to the School | Oppose |
Key Issues
Cannabis, Tobacco, and Other Drugs ▶
Child Welfare & Protection ▶
Childcare ▶
Environmental Health & Climate Change ▶
Healthcare Access & Insurance ▶
Immunization ▶
Injury & Violence Prevention ▶
Juvenile Justice ▶
LGBTQ+ Health ▶
Mental & Behavior Health ▶
Oral Health ▶
Reproductive & Sexual Health ▶
School Health & Safety ▶